The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology is a peer-reviewed journal of the history of technology, published online on the platform.
Writing for the journal
The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology welcomes submissions (articles, book reviews, news) in various fields of technological history.
The journal publishes articles on the history and social impact of engineering, technology and industry. The journal also covers museum, archive and educational activities in the field. We also welcome travelogues, seminar reports and discussion papers. In addition to research material, the journal publishes memoirs and stories about Finnish industry and technology and the people involved. If you are interested in a possible topic for an article, information or news on the history of technology, please contact the editor-in-chief or the rest of the editorial staff.
The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology also accepts reviews for publications, prints and exhibition manuscripts written in the field. Book and exhibition reviews and seminar reports can also be submitted to the journal on your own initiative. However, before sending a completed review to the editor, it is advisable to contact the editorial office of the journal. The journal can also assist in obtaining review copies.
Writing instructions can be found in the here.
Editorial Team
Olli Turunen, Editor-in Chief, olli.turunen(at)
Suvi Aitto-oja, Editorial Secretary, Layout and Design, suvi.aitto-oja(at)
Matti La Mela, Editor, matti.lamela(at)
Tuomas Pakarinen, Book Reviews, Editor, tuomas.h.pakarinen(at)
Veera Ojala, Editor, veera.ka.ojala(at)
Nicklas Yli-Kauppila, Editor, nriyli(at)
Editorial Council:
Niklas Jensen-Eriksen
Tiina Männistö-Funk
Saara Matala
Petri Paju
Jarmo Peltola
Aaro Sahari
Anna Sivula
The Journal is published and overseen by the Board of the Finnish Society for History of Technology.
Media information
Tekniikan Waiheita (The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology)
ISSN 0780-5772
Editor-in Chief:
Olli Turunen
e-mail: olli.turunen(at)
Tekniikan Historian Seura ry.
Tieteiden Talo
Kirkkokatu 6, 00170 Helsinki
The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology is a journal that promotes the history of technology, engineering and industry by publishing articles on the subject and covering current events. The journal is published four times a year.
Article prize
The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology’s article prize has been awarded since 2004. The first article prize was awarded at the Finnish Society for History of Technology’s spring meeting on 27 April 2005.
docent Petri Paju
For an article:
Atomipapisto, ydinjätevaaran semiotiikka ja Suomi Ydinjätehuollon tulevaisuusajattelun reunoilla (TW 2/2022)
Selector of the article award: Prof. Timo Myllyntaus
docent Petri Saarikoski
For an article:
Ojennat kätesi ja joku tarttuu siihen – kokemuksia ja muistoja kotimaisen BBS-harrastuksen valtakaudelta (TW 2/2017)
Selector of the article award: M.Sc. Vesa Linja-aho
docent Ismo Björn
For an article:
Ympäristötekniikan kehitys Suomen kaivoksilla: Outokumpu antaa esimerkin (TW 1/2016)
Selector of the article award:
docent Petri Paju
For an article:
Hienomekaaninen keksintötehdas kriisiaikana – Erkki Laurila tutkimusjohtajana Valtion lentokonetehtaalla (TW 1/2015)
Selector of the article award:
MA Jouni Keskinen
For an article:
Koko kaupungin radio: Yleisradiotoiminnan synty Tampereella 90 vuotta sitten (TW 4/2014)
Selector of the article award: Professor Emeritus Matti Pursula
Mikko Kylliäinen ja Joose Takala
For an article:
Kadonnutta akustiikkaa etsimässä: Helsingin Nya Teaternin huoneakustiikan ennallistaminen (TW 4/2013)
Selector of the article award: Lic. Phil., museum director Tiina Lehtinen
PhD. Ari Lampinen
For an article:
Liikennebiokaasun käyttöönotto Suomessa (TW 1/2012)
Selector of the article award: Dosentti Tapio Katko
docent. Jarmo Pulkkinen
For an article:
AIV-menetelmä – suomalainen teknologinen järjestelmä (TW 1/2011)
Selector of the article award: Professor Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen
PhD. Kati Mikkola
For an article:
Odotettavissa uhkaava tulevaisuus: Konepelon taloudelliset, yhteiskunnalliset ja uskonnolliset ulottuvuudet (TW 4/2010)
Selector of the article award: Professor Ari Sihvola
PhD. Pasi Pohjola
For an article:
Konstituutio teknologian kuvauksena (TW 1/2009)
Selector of the article award: Professor Maija Kallinen
MA Maija Mäki (os. Kärki)
For an article:
”Toi A oli ihan oma maailmansa, hyvässä ja pahassa”: Hanasaari A -voimalaitoksen vaiheet ja sen työntekijät 1957-2007 (TW 1/2008, artikkeli julkaistu nimellä Maija Kärki)
Selector of the article award: PhD. Anna Kuismin
PhD. Jukka Kortti
For an article:
Näköradiosta mobiilitelevisioon: Televisioteknologioiden sosiokulttuurista historiaa (TW 2/2007)
Selector of the article award: Professor Ralf Lindberg
licentiate in technology Mikko Kylliäinen
For an article:
Juoksukoneita ja velomobiileita: Polkupyörän historiografia (TW 4/2006)
Selector of the article award: Professor Veijo Kauppinen
B.Eng. Paavo Tuomi
For an article:
50 vuotta atomin särkemistä Suomessa (TW 3/2005)
Selector of the article award: Professor Emeritus Martti Tiuri
MA Kristiina Koivuniemi
For an article: Sarvis – suomalaisen muoviteollisuuden uranuurtaja(TW 4/2004)
Selector of the article award: PhD. Maisa Huuhka