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Tekniikan Waiheita / Article submission

We publish peer reviewed articles, reviews and notes on all facets of history of technology

The Finnish journal for the history of technology – Tekniikan Waiheita – focuses on research into history of technology, industrialisation and socio-technical change. We follow development of research and welcome reviews on conferences, museum exhibitions and education technological cultural heritage. Please contact the editor-in-chief for specific guidelines.

Peer review

All articles are peer reviewed using double blind process unless otherwise agreed upon in advance with the author(s). Tekniikan Waiheita follows the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies guidelines for review. All pur reviewers are academic researchers or otherwise particularly competent reviewers. The editorial teams does not review articles but will help with stylistic matters when necessary. The editor-in-chief manages the peer review process and all decisions to publish will be made by the editor-in-chief alone or by a guest editor (for specific theme numbers).

Authors are required to see to sufficient anonymisation of their submissions. The review process usually takes from two to six months. Authors should include a report on changes made and course taken in relation to peer review comments when submitting revisions.

Reviews and other short pieces will not undergo peer review. The decision to publish all such pieces rests with the editor-in-chief.

Publishing policy

Authors are responsible for their own work and opinions presented therein. The author should clear the right to publish any pictures included in an article in advance with their respective rights holders for both print and permanent open, online publication. Please consult the editorial team well in advance in all issues related to using third party material.

You are welcome to publish a pre-print version of your work in a university repositoryor other non-commercial repository immediately after the publication of your work in the journal. All references should be made to the journal or its online repository in the -database: .

We will not return any material sent to us without our prior knowledge.

Tekniikan Waiheita is an academic journal and will not publish any paid position pieces.

A written contract will on publication will be necessary for all published pieces. The contract form will be available promptly. In the mean time, please contact the editor-in-chief for further information.

From an idea to an article

If you wish to write an article for the journal, please contact the editor-in-chief in advance to consult whether your research is in line with our publication policy. While we mostly publish research in Finnish, articles in English and Swedish are also welcome. If you're responding to call for papers, please state so to in your proposal.

Starting in 2018 we will ask all authors for ideas relating to possible or unsuitable peer reviewers. Your ideas and knowledge on the state of research in your particular field is welcome and invaluable in assuring the best possible review experience for all.

Our editorial team will also help you with your ideas.

Submitting a manuscript

All manuscripts should be delivered by email to the editor-in-chief or, if agreed upon in advance, to a particular editor. Please be specific in naming all files by including a signifier for the journal (TW), your initials with a reference to the article title and submission date. Preferably use _ instead of spaces, no Nordic letters (ä, ö, å, ø) or other special cases in the filenames.

Also include your contact information (name, postal address, phone number, email address).

Text formatting

Please avoid manual editing (tabulations, varied text styles ie.) and rich editing while preparing the manuscript. Book titles should be italicised both in text and in bibliography.

Graphics, diagrams and tables should be included as separate image- or xlsx-files and their place within the piece noted with a caption.

References, sources and literature

Please use endnotes. This will help us while prepareing the manuscript for publication. All articles and research notes should have a suitable bibliography. Literature is presented in a note as follows: Author surname, year, page, f.ex. Edgerton, 2006, 196; and in bibliography: EDGERTON, David. Warfare state: Britain, 1920-1970. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Clearly delineate archival sources, unprinted sources, oral sources, newspapers and literature from each other and order all groups alphabetically.

For example see previous volumes in our online repository, where all published articles will eventually be made available.

Pictures and graphics

Please consult the editorial team in advance. You must secure the right to publish all pictures and graphics in advance for print publication and permanent online publication. Tekniikan Waiheita will not pay for the publication of any graphics.

All pictures should preferably be in lossless graphics format (f.ex. tiff and eps  formats) or at least in a high quality jpg-format. For print we ask you to make the resolution 300 dpi for pictures and 600 dpi for vector graphics. Print publication is made in grayscale until further notice. You may provide us with colour originals though.


Include all graphics captions in the text in a clear and uniform way. Please remember to name the author and copyright information.

Author copies

Authors will be provided with three to five copies of the print journal upon publication. The online repository is open access. For extra copies please contact the editorial team.

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